Mean Girls
Maybe it's not a holiday movie, but this scene and story live inside our hearts rent free.
Mean Girls was is actually inspired by Rosalind Wiseman's 2002 book about teenage girl behavior, cliques and high school popularity, Queen Bees and Wannabees.
Tina Fey has stated the man behind the famous "You go Glen Coco!" line is, in fact, her brother's pal. "He’s a film editor in Los Angeles, and I imagine it’s a pain in the butt for him," Fey said.
Rachel McAdams is eight years older than Lindsay Lohan, although they both played high school students.
The first draft would have been rated R. Even in the PG-13 movie, we had to take a lot of things out. We had a tough time with the MPAA. I remember thinking, If this was a movie about a boys’ school, ‘Is your cherry popped?’ wouldn’t have to come out.
Tina said Shane Oman (Regina’s BF after Aaron) is actually named after a stage manager at Second City.
Costume designer Mary Jane Fort got yearbooks from small towns to research what kids in those schools would be wearing. Lindsay had over 50 costume changes throughout the movie.
Lindsay Lohan has said that early on, she was interested in playing Regina - we could have ended up with a completely different Mean Girls. But producer Lorne Michaels and director Mark Waters decided to work backward instead, casting her as the nice girl who would end up turning into a Regina wannabe.
Lohan might have aspired to playing the meanest of all the mean girls, but Amanda Seyfried - the actress ultimately cast as spacey Karen Smith - came closest to taking the Regina George spotlight from Rachel McAdams. According to director Mark Waters, Seyfried's version of Regina would have appeared substantially different from the one we've come to know (and loathe).
Waters told Vulture: "The person who was neck and neck for the role of Regina - and we agonized over which one we were going to cast - was Amanda Seyfried. She tested for Regina and was kind of brilliant and very different than Rachel's approach. She played it in a much more ethereal but still kind of scary way. She was more frightening, but oddly, less intimidating."
Amy Poehler's Mean Girls character may have called herself a "cool mom," but it took some extremely cool acting chops to successfully pull off the hilariously awkward scene in which Poehler's chest becomes a snack for a Chihuahua. Amanda Seyfried told Entertainment Weeklythat shooting the scene was one of her favorite behind-the-scenes moments.
Seyfried described the logistics: "They, like, pinned a piece of a cocktail wiener into her bra. I thought this dog was going to tear her apart. It was very effective. She was such a pro through it. She's trying to do her lines and being so professional, and this dog is chomping on her fake boob. I'll never forget that."