Santa Baby

Santa Baby

1 minute read


Santa, baby, just slip a sable under the tree for me

Been an awful good girl
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight
Santa baby, a '54 convertible too, light blue
I'll wait up for you, dear
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight

In 1953, songwriters Joan Javits and Philip Springer used a male pseudonym, Tony Springer, to speed up the release of ‘Santa Baby.’ But famous singer Eartha Kitt needed no disguise. Her version created a hit, playing with the Christmas holiday theme of material luxury, and empowering the suggestion of desire. 

Have some fun with the Santa Baby dress, new masks and big furry coats - pour out the fake snow and prep your hair in pin curls for a little pinup holiday card this year. Turn it pink, and add hot chocolate for some retro seasonal Selkie.


Perfectly puffy party dresses

Luxury faux fur coats!

Caviar,  Baby Pink and Rainbow masks now available!

Gift wrapping now available, sold separately

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