Falling in Love

Falling in Love

2 minute read

Falling in Love. Muse Bregje Heinen

The feeling of falling in love may be the biggest thrill there is in this life, and it can surprise you as it rushes your whole body, often without warning. It seems to arrive not just alongside romance, heart quickening over a connection you cant explain, but also from profound life moments- the thrill of an idea that you just know will work, building something from nothing and feeling your mind expand with every lesson. The rush of helping someone in need, a simple favor that means everything to someone else, this love can fill you up as tight as a balloon. Late nights sharing belly laughs with a friend, realizing just how much they mean to you, whether it be long term or fleeting. Falling can often be with yourself- a moment of survival, where you choose you, even when it was easier to give up. The awe inspiring feeling of climbing up off the floor. Love is everywhere Meeting a new baby, watching the sunset, hearing a thunderstorm, seeing beautiful lanscapes and architecture, holding a cat while it purrs in your arms. Falling in love is not reserved for romance, it is less tangible than a kiss, less describable than a pretty rose covered in rain drops but as powerful and aw inspiring as the meaning of life. We all experience love, and we must remember to bottle these moments, to relish in their beauty and to soak up every day- because life is a miracle, and it’s filled with magic.

The Peach Fuzz in Bloom Gown
Falling in Love
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